Exchange, return


Exchange, return and warranty repair.

When picking up the goods from the delivery services or from the courier, carefully review the look of the package, the goods and the warehouse of your purchase!< /p>

As soon as the package with the goods was canceled by you, you will automatically agree on the amount, quantity, package of the package. To the very same, pretensions to non-standard goods, nevіdpovіdnostі, poshkodzhennya or not caught (la) reverify, not small (a) possibility to reverify, will NOT be accepted!

Cheap purchases due to your need for exchange-return, guarantees, you need to write to us by e-mail servicelimonad@ the whole procedure is described below for you.

Communication with purchases is only possible through the company's e-mail with a reduced service method.


At the time of making a purchase in an offline store, all the procedures are similar to the ones below, for the vinyatka of the formalization of the act of acceptance and transfer of the goods to the paper one in 2 examples, one of them is left in the store, and the other one is left with the purchase. This act of acceptance-transfer є pіdverzhennyam transfers і goods to the store.

Rules for saving installations to be repaired:

The term for the storage of possession in the warehouse is 30 days from the date of completion of the repair. For example, the Zamovnik does not pick up the equipment for 30 days from the day Vikonavtsy was informed about the readiness or non-repairability of the annex, for disposal.

1. You can rotate or exchange the goods with a stretch of 14 decibels in the coming swings.

1.1. You can exchange, turn only those goods, which did not take to the transfer of goods in good quality, which is installed RCM 172 addendum No. 3.

1.2. If the item is not available for purchase, the buyer may be entitled to a 14-day non-refundable day of purchase

Zgidno st. 9 of the Law of Ukraine “About defending the rights of people” the goods of low quality, exchange or turn the goods of low quality, which is not good for victorious and not maє slіdіv vikoristannya, frayed, chips, abrasions, cracks, lack of lacofarb materials on the goods, next іv farbi, nіgtovogo saw that any other defects are so small.

Products of low quality and for a short exchange for similar goods, as the goods are not accepted by buyers. If there is no similar product in reality, the buyer may have the right to reverse the other product or to turn the product.

  Damage to any of the most important points denies the seller the right to make a purchase in exchange or return the product.

1.3. The goods may be in the new factory set, exchange and return service for the goods for the mind of the obviousness of the new factory set, so you see that the sales are buying: accompanying i documents, plugs, shields, keys for milling handles, pedals, stands, sets of milling cutters, life blocks, metal trays, factory boxes, packaging bags, wire strands, protective padding, factory label, other additional materials that protect goods during transportation.

Opennya of the Vishcheznozhevikh Plavs, the right to VIDMOVA in the infamous submarine is turned out to be the goods.

1.4. Packaging (box in the goods) is due to the mother of the svіy first look, exchange or return to the goods, which is saved from the first merchandise look: the boxes of the goods and all the components . The box is guilty but not torn, not wrinkled, not dirty, not wet, not mother of toxic smells, without any labels glued to it; on the box you can’t have any traces of adhesive tape, labels of delivery services, the box is not guilty, but it is coated with a pen, marker, felt-tip pens and other materials that give a marketable look.

The box when turned is guilty of a new commodity look.

The buyer bears the responsibility for the preservation of the product-like packaging, because the buyer is handing over the packaging to New Post, de buyer goiter to control that no NP labels, scotch tapes were pasted, no marking was done with felt-tip pens, a pen that іn. Also, the buyer of the goiter should pack the goods in a stretch bag, or in an additional box for transporting the goods, in order to save the commodity look.

In case the goods arrive with a used commodity appearance, then such goods will not be accepted from the purchaser and in exchange, or such a purchase will be refunded.

1.5. Do not have any traces of unauthorized insertion, exchange, return of goods that do not allow any trace of unauthorized insertion into the electric appliance, internal parts of the mechanism, body. Bolts, screws, nuts are not the fault of the mother of the following victories. It is also not guilty of buti zirvani seals, marking stickers, holographic cover.

If an electrical appliance is badly working, not working, the buyer confirms the seller in the lines, inserting a guarantee, after which the goods will be submitted for an independent examination to determine the cause of the malfunction, so that the goods will be found to be faulty i abo buv zlamaniya buyer in the process vikoristannya .

At the same time, the buyer, having independently arranging the accessories and checking the accessories independently, by the same time the buyer violated the rules of that exchange, return or warranty repair.< /span> In this case, the seller may not accept the goods for exchange, return, warranty repair.

      2. Do not exchange or return goods in good quality.

2.1. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 19, 1994 No. 172 as amended on 07.12.2005 About the implementation of the other provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of the rights of citizens", a transfer of goods was appointed, which does not incur an exchange (return), but itself:

2.1.1 Perfume and cosmetic products.

2.1.2 Footwear equipment.

2.1.3 Shin brushes.

2.1.4 Varnishes, gels, gel polishes, bases, topis.

2.1.5 Files, buffs, polishers.

2.1.6 Penzlics and sets of penzliks.

2.1.7 Mittens.

2.1.8 Disposable products.

2.1.9 Combs, massage brushes.

2.1.10 Products in aerosol packaging.

2.1.11 Tools for manicure, pedicure (knives, nail files).

2.1.12 Wirobi from natural and artificial hair;

2.1.13 Peruvian knives.

2.1.14 Hairpins, hair clips, hair bands.

2.1.15 Hand-crafted products.

2.1.16 Promotions and discounted products.

2.2 For other purposes, goods can only be returned if they show a marriage, or if there is an inconsistency.

3. Goods for the thought of the client of rejections.

3.1. Zgidno with the help of the PKM of Ukraine No. 506 as amended on 05.05.2018 yakіst goods vyznaєtsya shlyakhom conducted nezalezhnoї ekspertnoї otsіnki.

3.2 Clause 4, article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On defending the rights of citizens” examination is carried out only for a written purchase.

3.3. At the conclusion of the client’s termination of the cause of possible non-yakіsny, defective goods, whose goods are transferred to an independent expert company for carrying out an examination and otrimanny of the act-conclusion, which determines the technіchniy mill of the electric power supply and compliance with all norms and standards.


3.4. On pіdstavі the act carried out ї nezalezhnі ї otsіnki goods prijmaєtsya arguing rіshennya about zamіnu goods, return koshtіv or vіdmovu purchase in yogo vernennі.

4. Order of exchange, return of goods.

4.1. All goods, if the buyer wants to exchange, return, it is necessary to go through the binding procedure, as it is prescribed in detail for the Swedish one. To complete the procedure for turning, exchange, the goods are looked around for something that is not twisted and inserted into the middle of the attachment.

4.1.1 Read the rules of Exchange - Return, Warranty repair, which are installed in our store on the basis of legislators and regulatory legal acts of Ukraine about the protection of the rights of citizens.

4.2. In order to carry out an exchange, return or reverse an expert assessment, a purchase, it is necessary to contact the service manager via email</ a>

Report Form sd=true">sd=true">sd=true">sd=true">sd=true"> .


The buyer can send a photo of the application and other documents, which are included in clause 4.3, to the designated e-mail.

Before that, we took away your letter with the full package of necessary documents and a photocopy of it will be looked at for the purpose of bringing the goods to our store and for the fact that your efforts do not violate the orderly legislation of Ukraine. Please, send the goods to the address with the documents, it will be sent to the e-mail address from which it was supposed to be completed within 1-3 working days.

4.3. Necessary translation of documents, like a buyer of goiter, to give for an expert assessment, exchange, return.

4.3.1. Request from the site.

4.3.2. Fill in a letter of declaration and state the reasons for the inadequacy, as you are not in control of the goods.

It is stipulated by paragraph 4 of article 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of the rights of the living" the examination is carried out only for a written purchase.

In the application, you may fill in all the language fields, this information allows you to quickly change the nutritional status.

4.3.3 Photo or photo of all required documents, as specified below in clauses 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.6, by e-mail (for uniqueness of Shahrayi dіy) < a href=""> to the service manager for registration, it is also necessary to attach the original application to the product, which you send for independent examination.

4.3.4. Submit to the application a photocopy of the Sovereign's document, a copy of the passport, an identification code, as a part of the signature, confirm the date of the signature to the original (it is necessary for you to claim the state independent examination)

4.3.5. Add a sales receipt confirming the fact of purchase from our store.

4.3.6. Add the warranty card signed by you.

4.3.7. The goods may be in a new factory complete set, as indicated in p.p. 1.3 -1.5 of the order, that must be confirmed to all possible yogo trade dress and equipment, which is prescribed by the official legislation of Ukraine.

4.3.8. Information about the payment card

4.3.9. Send goods without overhead payments and without paying for delivery. Spivrobіtnik of our company is only guilty of picking up the goods from Novoї Poshti and carrying out an inspection. At the discretion of any payments for the goods, the spivrobistnik does not take the goods from Nova Poshti, until now the buyer does not pay.

4.3.10. When vіdpravlyaєte і vіdpravlyаєte і in yakіy komplektacії. If you do not include in the receipt of Nova Poshti, which goods you have corrected and in which configuration, the parcel will not be picked up and turn back to you.

4.3.11.Also send us a message to our e-mail address to identify Shakhrai Here is a photo of the receipt that you saw at Noviy Posht, if you tried to send us a notice.

4.3.12. Notify the service manager by e-mail so that you have prepared all the necessary documents and have sent us at once with the goods to the address you provided. Also, obov'yazkovo nadsilat us a photo of the check that you saw at Noviy Posht, if you tried to send us an order.

5. Expert visnovok.

Required, paragraph 4, article 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On the defense of the rights of the living" examination is carried out only for the purchase in writing.

5.1. All decisions regarding exchange, return, warranty repair are accepted only after an independent expert assessment on the basis of an expert visa.

5.2. The goods are defective, as in the act of laying down the expert assessment, it will be written that the given goods are broken not because of the fault of the former, that the given goods are defective and we will repair them for you for a period of 14 days (otherwise, due to the goodness of the parties, we exchange for another goods. In times vіdsutnostі goods we will turn a penny protyagom 7 days (as the goods will be delivered to the trading or office application) і 30 days (as the goods will be attached to the trading or office application).

5.3. The product is not subject to factory defects, as it will be written in the act of independent examination that the goods are not subject to factory defects, and that the fault is due to the fault of the purchase, then the return of penny koshtіv is not transferred, but the buyer of the goiter, zgіdno paragraph 4 of article 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of the rights of the living" pay for the cost of expertise and repairs for the authority's rahunok.

Repair is charged for the purchase of a piece of clothing if needed.

6. Payment for resending by delivery services for exchange, return, expert assessment is due to the offensive order.

6.1. You have the right to re-check the goods with an independent transport company, you have the right to be charged for our account.

6.2. Since the parcel was taken/removed by the buyer and for some reason you failed to return the goods, in such a situation all transport charges are paid by the buyer for the high account.

When withdrawing goods from an authorized delivery service or a courier, carefully check your request!

Once the order is taken away, you will automatically agree on the amount, quantity, and package of the prayer.

In this case, if there are any claims, it will NOT be accepted for non-standard goods, or no discount!

6.3. We ask you to send goods without overhead payments and without paying for delivery. Spivrobіtnik of our company is only guilty of picking up the goods from Novoї Poshti and carrying out an inspection. At the discretion of any payments for the goods, the spivrobistnik does not take the goods from Nova Poshti, until now the buyer does not pay.

6.4. As if for the sake of the customer, they delivered the wrong goods, which they ordered, the servants of the transport company are charged by the seller.

6.5. Exchange, return of a good product, which is not used in exploitation, I will pay the purchaser for a good account.

6.6. Vіdpravka goods on nezalezhnuyu examination carried out for rahunok purchase before z'yasuvannya reasons nevіdpovіdnostі. In case of confirmation of the factory marriage, the cost for the reshipping will be returned to the purchase. In case of non-confirmation of the factory marriage, the fees for re-strengthening are not turned over.

7. Paying an independent examination.</span >

7.1. The examination is carried out for the vendor's account. As a result of the examination, it will be brought to light that the shortfalls of winemaking pіslya transfers to the goods of the buyersі vnaslіdok violating the established rules of victoriousness, zberіgannya or transportation, dіy tretіkh osіb idshkoduvati seller vitrati for examination. (Submitted to the Decree of the PKM No. 506 as amended on 05.05.2018 and paragraph 4, article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On the protection of the rights of people”)

8. Terms and working processes are subject to the legislation of Ukraine.

8.1. 1-3 days for the preparation of the transfer of goods for an expert assessment (clause 4 of article Art.

8.2. 1-14 days on the exchange of goods nalezhnoї yakostі (clause 1, article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "On protection of the rights of spozhivachіv").

8.3. 1-14 dnіv (otherwise for the sake of the parties) an expert assessment of the goods of non-necessary quality is carried out (clause 6 of article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On protection of the rights of spozhivachіv”).

8.4. 1-14 dnіv (or for the sake of the parties) to carry out repairs to the goods (clause 9 of article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On protection of the rights of spozhivachіv”)

8.5. 0-7 days for the return of a penny koshtіv for the goods, which would be the receipt in the trade or office premises, for the mind, as an expert assessment, having installed, that a factory defect was revealed in the goods ( Clause 7, Article 8 and Clause 3, Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On defending the rights of people”.

8.6. 1-30 days on the return of a penny fee for the goods, which is the first time for a trade or office accommodation (clause 4, article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On the protection of the rights of people").< /p>

8.7. 2 mіsyаcі for the replacement of goods at times of vіdsutnostі goods (clause 6, article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “Pro zahist prav spozhivachіv”)

Terms have been established for the execution of all procedures, in accordance with the civil legislation of Ukraine on the protection of the rights of citizens.

9. Dispute regulation.

9.1. All telephone calls and census via e-mail with clients are recorded and fixed for the possibility of additional listening, reading and analyzing the situation in detail, with the method of improving the quality of service.

9.2. All correspondence with the client is recorded and a second number is assigned for identification.

9.3. UVAGA! Before the otrimannya vysnovkіv ekspertizi not robit nіyakіh dіy, yakі belittle the honor, hіdnіst prаtsіvnіkіv і dіlovu reputation fіzicheskoї (legal) individuals so, yak rozumіyu your vіdpovіdalnіst zgidno st.22 and st. 23 of the Central Committee of Ukraine and prepare (a) to blow moral and material shkoda, as if by your actions.

9.4. Show some swindling acts in your ways, our company reserves the right to turn itself to law enforcement agencies and court with a method of extorting moral and material conflicts.

9.5. The buyer bears full responsibility for the strict legislation of Ukraine for its contrary rights.




Все чудово)

З + тільки те що великий асортимент , ж з чого обрати , та досить приємні ціни . Тепер почнемо перераховувати мінуси . Вчора зробила замовлення , досить швидко зі мною через вайбер звʼязалась менеджер та розповіла про оплату , ввечері я написала що можу повність оплатили посилку та задала логічне питання « чи можливо відправити посилку завтра ?» , на що мені наступного дня( сьогодні ) зранку відповіли що так , сьогодні все відправлять , я швидко здійснила оплату , мені скинули ттн , та я почала чекати , чекала майже цілий день ,ніхто посилку так і не відправив , о 17:04 написала ще раз з питанням чи точно відправлять посилку сьогодні , на що отримала відповідь « так » , 0 21:06 зайшла в додаток нової пошти та побачила що ніхто нічого так і не відправив . Дуже прикро що люди не можуть бути людьми , нащо ти говорите «так » , якщо в кінці кінців нічого не робите , я розраховувала , краще б не витрачала час та поїхала/замовила та купила б в іншому місці і не сподівалась на це магазин . Цікаво що на це буде відповідати менеджер . І звісно ж ще чекати повернення коштів , бо вже навіть і не хочеться отримувати , з таким то відношенням . Повне розчарування . Замовлення на даному сайті робила перший раз , могла б бути постійним покупцем . Більше замовлень тут робити не буду , да і вам не раджу , безвідповідальний магазин


Зробила замовлення 13.11 ,мені подзвонили И ми домовились за накладний .Відповіли що відправка буде протягом 5-ти днів ,сьогодні вже 20 число ,не дзвінків ,ні відповіді …Дуже засмучена цією ситуацією.Якщо дівчатка ви це читаєте напишіть мені ,я хочу відмовитись від товарів ,не хочу більше ждати .дякую ….

Доброго дня. Замовила товар тижні 3 назад. Проблема виникла з лампою , була у використанні десь 2 тижні. І почали блимати діоди. Дуже розчарувало

Питання вирішене. Дякую

The response of the store:
Михайло, вітаємо!
Вдячні за такий теплий відгук.
Ваша думка дуже важлива для нас.
Бажаємо Вам успіхів!
З повагою магазин

Доброго дня. Дайте відповідь на таке питання.
Замовив товар (кісточки) оплатив. Прислали неліквідний товар ( не ту кісточку) попросили повернути на НП і обіцяли повернути гроші за кісточку. Товар забрали (Івлєв О.О) гроші не повернули.
Менеджер Людмила тільки передає інформацію в бухгалтерію більше місяця.
Ви отримуєте гроші і не присилаєте товар. Нормальна схема

The response of the store:
Шановний, Михайло!
Прийняли до уваги Ваш відгук і хотіли б вибачитися за незручності, які Ви відчули.
Ми завжди прагнемо надавати нашим клієнтам найкращий сервіс.
Розуміємо, що Ви вже чекаєте на повернення грошей.
Хотіли б запевнити Вас, що ми докладаємо всіх зусиль, щоб вирішити цю проблему якомога швидше.
Вже зв'язалися з бухгалтерією і попросив їх терміново розглянути Вашу заявку.
Сподіваємося, що Ви отримаєте свої гроші протягом найближчих днів.
Ми цінуємо Вашу думку і будемо працювати над тим, щоб поліпшити нашу роботу.
З повагою магазин

Удаляют неудобные отзывы

The response of the store:
Доброго дня, Володимире.
Ви є нашим покупцем?
Що саме Вас не влаштувало в наших товарах або сервісі?
Чекаємо від вас зворотного зв'язку, щоб вирішити виниклі складнощі.
З повагою Лимонад.

Дякую,за швидку доставку,та якісні товари.Отримала посилочку на наступний день !Все в гарному стані та добре запечатане.Лампа працює,гель лаки чудові)))Буду замовляти у вас ще!

The response of the store:
Дякуємо за відгук!
Нам дуже приємно, що Ви залишилися задоволені нашою продукцією і сервісом.
Ваші слова надихають нас і допомагають працювати ще краще.
Ми завжди прагнемо до того, щоб наші клієнти отримували найкраще обслуговування і були повністю задоволені.
Бажаємо Вам гарного настрою та успішних справ!
З повагою магазин

Швидко зв'язалися, менеджер була дуже ввічливою і пропонувала корисні товари, з яких я теж замовила, бо в такий спосіб заощадила на черговій доставці.
Фрезер працює нормально без будь-яких наріцаній. Всім задоволена, особливо Сервісом!

The response of the store:
Вітаємо, Марія!
Отримали від Вас відгук і хочемо висловити свою щиру подяку.
Ми дуже раді, що Ви залишилися задоволені нашою продукцією та обслуговуванням.
Ваші слова мотивують і допомагають нам рости та розвиватися.
Ми завжди прагнемо до того, щоб наші клієнти отримували найкраще, і Ваша оцінка - це важливий крок у цьому напрямку.
Бажаємо Вам вдалого дня!
З повагою магазин

Прийшло все замовлення ціле і не пролите. Лампа класна добре сушить.
Велике спасибі сайту та окреме спасибі консультанту з яким ми підібрали все для мене необхідне в роботі. Бажаю Вам процвітання та всім раджу!

The response of the store:
Вітаємо, Христина!
Дякуємо Вам за теплий відгук!
Нам дуже приємно, що Ви залишилися задоволені нашою продукцією.
Ми цінуємо, що Ви поділилися з нами своїми емоціями після використання продукту.
Ваші слова надихають нас і допомагають нам працювати ще краще.
Бажаємо Вам вдалого дня!
З повагою магазин
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